Thursday, 20 December 2012

Time to shine..

The Path..

We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home. (anon)

On the eve of the Winter Solstice, it is perhaps a good time to reflect upon the changes in our lives, those that have happened already, and those yet to come.

Within every experience, even those we view as bad, comes a lesson, and it is always about ourselves, you can seek to change many, many things around you, or you can change yourself.

The path is never easy, never smooth, but such is the glory and beauty of life. If we had never felt pain, how would we recognise pleasure?

Often we hold ourselves back, from becoming all we truly can be, and that is because every negative emotion stems from fear.

Fear is like a spiders web, spinning lines in our minds, binding us.
We listen to those who would judge us; we bruise from carelessly spoken words and actions.

If we are brave enough to step out of the fear, away from the “what if”; away from concerning ourselves what others may be thinking or doing. We not only free ourselves, but we value ourselves for the magnificent person we truly are.

Life is a truly magnificent gift, we shouldn’t waste it worrying that we don’t look a certain way, or that we may not have the media’s idea of a perfect life.
Embrace all you are, all you can be, if you’ve always wanted to do something – do it!

In the words of Mary Manin Morrisey

Start living now. Stop saving the good china for that special occasion. Stop withholding your love until that special person materializes. Every day you are alive is a special occasion. Every minute, every breath, is a gift..

And so as the Soltice grows closer, we think of the Holly King, as his time draws to a close. When the Yule arrives, His Brother the Oak King is Born and with him, new growth, rebirth, new beginnings.

The holly King has stolen the last of the light, and The Oak King gives us back a little each day, warming us, brightening our lives and giving us renewed hope.

In recognition of the light that burns in us all, we light the Yule log, the bringer of warmth and cheer, we put up the Christmas lights, but this is not just about welcoming the light into our lives.
This is not just about banishing the darkness, we’ve pondered and reflected enough. We’ve watched the darkness grow longer everyday and once the long darkest, longest night is over, we can look inside for our own shining light, we can reveal its beauty, it’s strength and courage.. and we can choose to let it shine, to ring our Solstice Bells and let the new cycle begin..

Happy Yule to all.. and bright blessings in all you do.